Today was one of those days we should stay in bed... After a long night with a huge migraine attack and the flu back again= running nose, sneezing... I woke up early to take Lucas to the doctor for a revision. It's was good, she perscribed a homeophatic medicine to increase his immuno system. He must take it during the cold months of Autumn and Winter, from APril to September. And also another homeopathy one because three nights ago, he had an awful nightmare about some monsters, and since then he's feeling anguished before sleeping time, wanting to cry afraid of having the nightmare again. I had already talked about it with him, explaining there's nothing to fear, etc, but better than the medicine was the talk she had with him about it. Seems like a "profesional word" had a great effect to his mind. Tonight he didn't mention it and slept well like before.
I could barely get home so strong my migraine was, I couldn't take Lucas to school, and he lost an exam - mom can't walk distances yet, and my brother wasn't home. I felt terrible, but really couldn't leave home. I called the teacher and she'll give him the exam next Monday. As I said, a day to forget... Thank the gods he was okay and spent time amusing mom with his funny quotes and playing a little on the How to train your Dragon's site. All the time he would ask me if I needed anything, and brought me his SpongeBob glass with water, "in case I'm thirsty". So sweet!
By tomorrow it's better this flu be miles away from me!!
6 comentários:
those days are always the worst. So glad to hear that advice from a professional had the weight to calm his fears.
I hope your migraines ease up soon
Nydia, what a rotten day! I'm so sorry for you! Get better quickly, please!!!
feel better beautiful *hugs*
When I was young and had bad dreams...I was taught to embrace the monsters and make them my friends...much like training the dragon! To this day...I try to make friends with things that frighten me...
I hope you awake feeling completely well! Glad Lucas got some sleep last night. He sounds like such a sweetie.
Hope you are feeling better today! Good to hear you have such a good supporter, Lucas is a sweetheart.
Love the photo of the cat wrapped up in brown paper - hope things improve for you.
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