I just can't believe that in a few weeks, Lucas will be 6! Six years old, that little thing so talkative and with so many fun/curious thoughts turned into well-expressed words, with so much love for us inside his little heart translated in millions hugs and kisses and drawings (now with the actual written "Eu te amo, mamãe" - meaning 'I love you, mom' - extra-bonus in them) a day . The one who decided that trash metal is great, as well as Hanna Montana and Zé Ramalho. The one that beats me in videogames, and still loves sleeping hand-in-hand with me. That little witch who loves and respects nature and all live beings, but hates mosquitos around, and pumpkins to eat. I just can't believe how fast time passed.
He will be in vacation from July 17th to August 3rd, and as his B-day is on August 2nd, I'll make his little party at school (he asked if he could make one there, instead of at home, which was great, because this year we couldn't afford to make anything at home!) on the 4th. It will be a simple cake with some candies and juices, just to celebrate his new age with his classroom friends, as money is too tight... He wants something to do with Ben 10, still one of his favorite cartoons, so, like every year, I'll search Internet for cool Ben 10 images that I can use to make his personalized invitation to give his friends, and the magnets I always hand-make as little goodies for the party bag.
As my mom will be here, it will be double good!