*above is my gorgeous sister and I surrounding my silly brother on Xmas night. He just loves to be among ladies, the pirate...
Soooo... We had a wonderful Litha, let's start this way. We had our traditional picnic breakfast outside, with juices, fruits, yogurt, everything according to my little witch's request. ;)
Then he made, for the second year (it's the very beginning of a new tradition for us), a Green Man mask, to be burned on Mabon. We used a pasteboard to the base, and taped ivy leaves for the "hair", fern leaves for the "beard", and scheflera and fern leaves for the "nose", plus a huge green crayon smile. Lucas used the mask for a long time, and greeted anyone at the door wearing it, so funny!
Three days later was Christmas. It's a family tradition for me, when the whole pack is together, eating and drinking a lot, and spreading gifts around. It has always meant a lovely holiday for me, detached from the Catholic side, and after Lucas was born, it became even more special. He loves to get the Tree ready for the holiday... Since he got old enough to hold the ornaments without breaking them or getting hurt, it's his special task:
It's always wonderful and fun to watch his sweet and enthusiastic reaction when finding out with his little cousins that Santa Claus, once again, didn't fail, and left a big pile of gifts for everybody under the Tree.

I took a photo of the feast, before everything was placed on the table. Each member brings something to eat, it's beyond words, lol! My share is always the dessert: my special peach trifle. I could eat that forever...
Lucas wrote a letter to Santa, asking for a toy guitar... So, among other things, he got his gift, and simply adored it! A Mini toy Fender Stratocaster, with pre-recorded rock riffs that now is played all the time here, alas... ;)
... But I think that what he secretly loved most (well... not so secretly... lol) was the mini pool my awesome Auntie Sandra gave him. Perfect for the really warm days to come! It's hard to get him out of it! We're having some massive rains lately though, so for a while, he'll have to watch it from inside the house..
On a nutshell, the holidays were wonderful. Full of love, laughter, and great vibes. And to crown my last days of 2010, Lucas is traveling with me tomorrow morning to spend the New Year's Eve at our cousin's beach house (where I went to last year, remember?)! He decided he wanted to go to his dad's only after that, and I got more than happy for it! :) He'll stay away from me for a shorter time, compared to last year, which is really really a blessing for me. When January 5th comes, you all know I'll activate my "virtual Phone Tree" to ask you to help me creating a positive protection circle around my little witch, right? As well as a "hang in there" circle for me! ;P
I wish all my friends, from the bottom of my heart, a beautiful New Year's night, with love, light and warm vibes (and I do hope you guys are sae with all these crazy snow blizzards out there! Keep me posted!), and a 2011 when all your true dreams come true. I'll be offline from tomorrow until I return on January 2nd. Until then, take good care, and enjoy your time with family and friends! :)