Hello everybody!
I'm still too busy to be online more often *sigh*, but really happy to be so helpful to my mother. The last days were spent most time cooking for five, cleaning up the house, doing the laundry, etc, etc. I guess I'll keep mom in bed for a bit longer, spoling someone we love is fun! LOL
Beside housekeeping, we watched a great Orson Wells' movie, The Third Man (what a wonderful photography!) - I just love this man, and his black&white films are so charming/deep with their totally different perspective of acting and directing. We also watched a sweet love movie, one of those that makes me sigh deep and loud, and makes my romantic beast inside wake up for a while: The Lake House, with Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock.
Hmmm... We also watched the last special night of Winter Olympic games, with the performances of Ice Dance's winners. Oh How I wish I could fly that way on ice! But clumsy as I am, with my ten pairs of out of control built-in legs and arms, no way... Besides, whre should I get ice in this super-hot country?! LOL
And I found some time to make a couple of new dolls for my Etsy, a Blue Dragon and a cute Ostara Goddess. Lucas now wants me to make rune sets filled with dried herbs, like lavender, rosemary or chamomile. What do you guys think? I already thought about it, but always hesitate, because not everybody may like it, or herbs may interfere in their focus.
Oh well, back to spoiling! :o) I'll be back as soon as possible with photos taken by Lucas at the Imperial Museum two weeks ago, just before mom's surgery, they turned out great, as usual (... says the proud non-neutral mom...)
Have a wonderful week!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Not around but alive! :o)
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Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Out of service
Oh my goodness! How I missed this place, I! I was shivering with this withdrawal symptom! LOL Since last Thrusday our server was down and I couldn't be online. And as my mom had a minor surgery on her left foot (to remove a calcification just below her toe), I couldn't go downtown to access a cyber cafe. She's fine and I'm happy to be able to pay her back everything she's been doing since I moved in, so I took care of the kitchen (Evaldo says my food is his karma, LOL), and the house. Of course she's upset like an angry cat - if she had a tail, it would be like a whip right now - to be forced to rest in bed, but she deserves this "vacation". Her foot is ok, we are spoiling her alright, and the only bad thing was this offline recess. But thank the gods today things are fixed now, and I can't wait to see what's going on with all of you guys! :o) I hope you're all okay as well!
Kisses and love from us.
PS: In the meantime, Lucas got some weight - from 18 kg to 19.9kg! Great! :o))
Kisses and love from us.
PS: In the meantime, Lucas got some weight - from 18 kg to 19.9kg! Great! :o))
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Wednesday, February 17, 2010
ABC Wednesday - E is for Einstein

Some geniuses live in my heart, like Van Gogh, Da Vinci, Monteiro Lobato... and Einstein. When I was a little girl, I found the image of that funny scientist in an old magazine, and immediately cut it off and glued it to my bedroom's wall, for my mom's despair. I still have this photo, like so many other fans. All his theories, his funny, sad and weird stories, his controverse life have always fascinated me, and I ended up buying books to quenche my thirst about him. One of the most intriguing and curious ones for those who loves this myth is this:

Possessing Genius, by Carolyn Abraham, tells the crazy trip his brain had, taken up and down until being finally let alone and examined by specialists. The absurd treatment it had, told along the book, shows how insane people can be sometimes, and it made me feel sad for the man who tried to keep it "safe" from others. It's a great book for fans and those who, like me, love trivias and backstage info. Maybe for others, it will be a bit boring.
For more E posts, visit the ABC page, and join the fun!
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Monday, February 15, 2010
The Lightning Thief

Last afternoon I took Lucas to watch The Lightning Thief. The cinema was almost empty (a Sunday Carnival late afternoon is great to this kind of entertainment, the room had 20 people inside, it was like being at home). What a movie! Perfect for kids of all ages, including the witch mom here! The mix of Greek Mythology and modern times is delicious, with all those well-known Gods and Goddesses I read about since I was a little girl - and Lucas know them well too, he was all the time long the movie whispering in my ear about them as if they were something new to me! LOL
I was delighted to see how much he loved the story, and how an ancient culture/religion/magic can still make its trick and keep a young audience without blinking. I won't say anything not to spoil the surprises for those who haven't watched it yet, but I highly recommend it! Now I want the books!!! :o)
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Energy flowing around
Inanna Star called my attention to something that I only noticed after her comment on the Monochrome Weekly: there are many photos full of orbs at Lucas Carnival Party. It's amazing! My camera was obviously clean and the place where the party took place was breezy, so no dusk could have made such effect on the shots. Maybe the kids' energy made it arise? Or am I being too impressionable? Opinions?
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Sunday, February 14, 2010
Monochrome Weekly
Lucas had a blast on his school's Carnaval Party!

For more Mono photos, visit the main page, hosted by Aileni.

For more Mono photos, visit the main page, hosted by Aileni.
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Saturday, February 13, 2010
Samba fun
Yesterday was Lucas' school Samba party, and boy, he had a blast! All the kids were so excited, playing around, throwing confettis and streamers... Lucas was a cute Batman, among other little friends with similar costumes, as well as Spidermans, Supermans, Ben 10s, pirates, princesses, fairies, etc.
I took lots of photos and even filmed a bit. I had fun watching all of them dancing and running, amazed with the incredible energy kids have! They never get tired, and I was exhausted by only watching them! LOL It was a fun time, though hot like hell, and I was happy Lucas was there being part of it. It's a Brazilian tradition I know he will remember forever...
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Friday, February 12, 2010
Carnaval on the way

SO tomorrow Carnival will begin in Brazil. Democratic, crazy, sexy, lusty, funny.. All adjectives can be used for this party that last almost one week. When I was a teenager I used to go to Carnival Balls but that was a long time ago, and I really prefer to stay home, sunbathing and watching the Parade on TV. This Parade happens on Sunday and Monday evenings and goes all night long - there was a time when I watched everything, but nowadays only watch the some of the 12 Samba Schools (one for each Rio de Janeiro's community/districts). It's a beautiful show, well organized and full of incredible special effects and gorgeous hand-made allegories. I was born in Vila Isabel district, but my love is Mangueira Samba Shcool, although every year it's hard to choose the best one.
This afternoon, I'll go to Lucas's school for the Carnival Kids Party. Lucas will be a Batman this year, so I bought a Batman mask to use with his cloak, customized an old tee of his, stitching a Batman logo from another old tee that is already too small, and bermudas. Voila, his costume is ready. He'll have next week off! Lucky boy... We'll go to the movies (maybe to watch Alvin 2 or Astro Boy), play around and enjoy my family, since my sister from Sao Paulo is in town.
Wish you all a great weekend!
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Thursday, February 11, 2010
Late Lughnasadh photos
Here are the photos of my Lughnasadh night, at least! We had our simple ritual, when Lucas made a paper god, filled it with rice and oat, and had it burning in his cauldron, as a reminder of the god's sacrifice. Of course, the blurred photo was taken by him, by moving the camera to make this "special effect"... It ended up fun!
Now look what our sweetest friend Meri sent to Lucas as a Yule gift:
A dragon incense burner, and the smoke come out from his mouth! Soooo cute! Lucas loved it, and I had to stop him or he would burn all incenses in one night! Lucas always said that his animal totem is the dragon, so this dragon is in the right place now! :o)
Hop you all had a beautiful sabbath!
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Wednesday, February 10, 2010
ABC Wednesday - D is for Drums

I know I have already posted about these Drums in 2008, but the artist, Yuri Leitch, is so amazing, that I had to post about it again. Drums are ancient, powerful instruments that I fear somehow, because they do have this power of taking me to a different place, dimension, level, whatever name you use... And if they're beautiful like this:

or this:

Then it's not fair...
For more D posts, visit the ABC page, and join the fun!
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Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Busy weekend

Hello everybody!
Stopping by for a quick update: Last weekend I was really busy and happy: I've got a translation to make. Just great! My brother Arnaldo has a friend who needed a translation for his company, so I spent these days in front of the computer, and on Sunday morning it was ready. This afternoon I've got my payment, thank the gods!
It's always great to be able to use my brain and be paid for that! :o) Now I can make some things that became awfully late and postponed, like finally shipping my giveaways, having my hair cut, having Lucas' hair cut, buying his stuff for school snacks for the week, and other things that are messing up my mind right now... Now I cross my fingers to have some other translations and save more!
Hope you all had a great weekend, oh and what about your Imbolc? We had a sweet and simple Lughnasadh as usual, I'll post photos asap.
Take care!
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Thursday, February 4, 2010
ABC Wednesday - C is for Chris Decato
One more ABC week, and this time I wanted to bring another musician I learned to admire, Chris Decato.

He was really touched by the gift of having music running through his veins, and it's one of the sweetest, crazy guys alive, and also a loving father of six beautiful kids. I have some of his albums, and my Rainbow Breath Meditation CD (a life-saver!) brings his powerful soundtrack. I highly recommend him!
For more B posts, visit the ABC page , and join the fun!

He was really touched by the gift of having music running through his veins, and it's one of the sweetest, crazy guys alive, and also a loving father of six beautiful kids. I have some of his albums, and my Rainbow Breath Meditation CD (a life-saver!) brings his powerful soundtrack. I highly recommend him!
For more B posts, visit the ABC page , and join the fun!
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Monochrome Weekly
And here (of course) is one more photo taken by Lucas. My cute and gorgeous little niece, Beatriz, perfect for the Mono post:

For more Mono photos, visit its main page, hosted by Aileni.
For more Mono photos, visit its main page, hosted by Aileni.
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Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Lucas is back! :o)))
... And finally my blogger friends's torture is over! LOL Man, I was awfully surprised about how badly I react durig his vacation... I tried to keep a positive attitude, but I was really feeling so bad, as if something horrible would happen while he was away, sometimes I would wake up at night with a heavy feeling in my heart, everything was wrong. A lesson to learn for the next time, I do need to be less anxious, paranoid...
Anyway, he arrived last Sunday afternoon, all happy to see me, looking great but so thinner! He lost three kilos, which I understand t was because of him getting that sore throat, but of course it's never good... Oh well, nothing that some weeks of good food to make him get his weght back.
Here's my little witch the evening arrived!

The morning after, we went to the park so he could use his new toy given by his dad.]Ah.. it's good to breath again!
Anyway, he arrived last Sunday afternoon, all happy to see me, looking great but so thinner! He lost three kilos, which I understand t was because of him getting that sore throat, but of course it's never good... Oh well, nothing that some weeks of good food to make him get his weght back.
Here's my little witch the evening arrived!
The morning after, we went to the park so he could use his new toy given by his dad.]Ah.. it's good to breath again!
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