I keep wondering... what the gods above are trying to tell me besides "pay more attention, you stupid witch!"?
Monday, June 30, 2008
One of those days...
I keep wondering... what the gods above are trying to tell me besides "pay more attention, you stupid witch!"?
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Friday, June 27, 2008
Framed Friday 6

The Old Germanic Runic alphabet, or "Elder Futhark", contains 24 runes. The first six runes of the alphabet spell out the word "FUTHARK". As the runes spread northwards into Scandinavia, some rune symbols were dropped and the alphabet was reduced to only 16 runes. Between 400 and 600 AD, three Germanic tribes, the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes, invaded Britain. They brought the runes with them. The forms of several of the runes changed, notably the runes for A/O, C/K, H, J, S, and Ng. Also, changes in the language led to nine runes being added to the alphabet to compensate for the extra sounds, and several runes were given different corresponding letters. This alphabet, expanded to 33 symbols, has become known as the Anglo-Saxon Futhorc. The rune names themselves have been passed down relatively intact. Although no manuscript exists listing the names of the older, Germanic runes, the Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian rune poems agree to such an extent that their common origin can be deduced."
While I think that homemade runes are more powerful for obvious reasons, it's also obvious to me that in the end of the day what really counts is the power you charge on the pieces, being them homemade or purchased at a local esoteric shop. With this in mind, I stumbled upon a great UK online shop called Spirit of Old. They offer several Rune sets made of different kinds of wood - actually they have a large range of really beautiful products. I specially liked the Oak rune sets (my first surname is "Carvalho", that means Oak, so...):

The Spirit of Old claims that they only use woods from large areas to prevent damage to habitats, and that they have cultivated tree seedlings and planted them at suitable locations for the future generations. Being this true, I feel comfortable posting about their products!
For more cool product reviews, visit Marcia at Learning Mama. She posted today about such surprising roses you can't miss it! ;)
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Thursday, June 26, 2008
Ramblings on raising a child on the Old Path

It was a little messy sabbath, but in the end everything was fine again. I guess there's no way, sometimes even the best marriages have a stressing time and mine is not different. I was just upset that it happened exactly in the middle of a important time for me and it obviously made things harder. But nothing than a conversation to put things on the right dimension and make us realize that no matter how bad things get, it would be worse if we were apart. Rodrigo is such a prick sometimes... but so am I!
Everybody talks about how sweet it is that I raise my son as a Wiccan little boy. Lucas simply loves to be a Wiccan. He says he will always be one, although I have already told him that he may change his mind later, and that would be ok. We raise him on the Old Path - Rodrigo is half Wiccan, half Buddhist and very open-minded - because is natural for us, I used to celebrate the sacred days long before being pregnant, so he got used to see candles and wands and smell incense scents around the house since he was in my belly! LOL
I just try to make things really natural about it, not forcing him to participate or turning our daily life a mystical experience. I mean, I raise him on a very "rational" way. Meaning that although we talk about fairies, dragons, gnomes and such, I let the mytical creatures on the mytical level, on the legendary part of the path, in some specific child's rituals. When we pray at night or during sabbaths, it's directly to the Goddess and the God. I think it's easier to him than to go praying for different deities on each different issue. There are some intermediary Goddesses or, in othe words, other representations of the Goddess that I feel connected to, like Gaia, Hestia (a new born connection), Rhiannon and Brigith, and I love to have them in my house and Lucas know about them, but we always go first to the "top of the list" when we thank and ask for protection, and then go for the other deities, if it's the case.
I was raised Catholic on a very light way. My parents only went to the church when they felt like it, and I haven't have my first communion.But I was always considered the funny girl, the little witch, as my dad used to call me, because I had a little gnome village on my bedroom shelf, with an apple that wouldn't get rotten - unless my old lovely grandma slept there, then it would quickly get all shrinked and wrinkled - go figure it... So I'm still seen as the weird sweet girl of the family, and probably my faith it's still seen as something of my "capricious" nature.
As Lucas wasn't baptized on the old-fashioned way, this is the only something that haunts my mom's nights... But I don't have any intention to have him baptized as a catholic, because it doesn't make any sense to me. I don't want to hurt my mother's feelings, she's always been such a wonderful mother, but this is so intimate, so personal that I can't yield to it. It would be a contradition to everything I teach/show him. Now being almost five, he would question me about it, and get a messy mind. So she sighs and resigns herself about her little pagan grandson.
Every night I pray to the Gods with Lucas before putting him to sleep, thanking for the protection received that day. I think this is an important moment of our routine - it's the sign our day is really finished and he's going to relax and sleep well. I have a personal prayer that he ended up memorizing and he feels good and asks me to pray after saying goodnight. I usually add something that happened during his day that was important, and he quickly add a specific detail I forgot, and at the end he blow goodnights, kisses and asks for blessings to mama Goddess and papa God. Later I'll translate how this prayer goes.
I celebrate every sabbath, usually doing something special or, when I'm all busy, at least our ritual in front of our altar is performed. We often celebrate esbats, but not every month.
When I take my son to his school, he always asks me to draw with my finger a little pentagram on his forehead, because he says he feels safe this way. It's like the cross some catholic moms draw for the same reason. He has a small sword he drawed and we charged with power to help him to be strong and brave during the schooling year (the first weeks of the year are still hard for him). We did it last year (his first time at kindergarten), the in this February we burned the old one and made a new one to reinforce the purpose.
And that's how it goes. A day at a time. We celebrate Yule, but also Christmas - it's such a fun nd sweet traditional holiday for my family, when we gather at my mom's house, that I want Lucas to have it. The same thing for Ostara & Easter. Now that he's getting older and understands things a little better, I started to explain the differences and origins, but what matter for him are the toys, the food, his funny uncles and aunts and grandma to kiss, his little cousins to play with at Christmas, and the chocolats, the outings and the special lunch with us at Easter, so it's ok. The spiritual aspect lies on Yule and Ostara, let's say, and he loves just the same.
Oh well... there are so many things about being pagan that has to do with the world we live in, like respect for environment, Nature and everything it encompasses. I just can't see us living differently. As long as he respects the different paths people choose, not only spiritual but referred to all other things, that's how we live.
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Wednesday, June 25, 2008
ABC Wednesday - W

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Monday, June 23, 2008
Yule night

Then we made our ritual, simply thanking for what we have and asking for strenght and protection on the cold days and nights that were begining that evening. As it was raining - I planned to burn the log outside, on our veranda - I took some chips from the log and symbolically burned it in our cauldron and we watched it, lights turned off, while thinking what about we want to keep in our lives. As usual, Lucas was on my lap so he could better see the fire, and he said he loves me ("te amo, mãe") - I think the dark kitchen, the fire in the cauldron and shadows it projects on the wall, everything makes him get a little afraid and also emotional, because every sabbath he says the same thing at this point, and of course, I love it...

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Friday, June 20, 2008
Here's Yule!

We'll have our traditional little feast for the three of us, but I still don't know what I'm going to do for the sabbath dinner... I hope to feel inspired in time! This morning Lucas woke up already asking about the Yule tree. He was, as usual, anxious to decorate it. So, after breakfast, I let him take a little wooden Christmas and hang some tiny ornaments we have. I'm taking after work some pagan images for him to hang on it too. I got a nice little block of wood to be our Yule log, and he'll draw some symbols and whatever else he wants to decorate it. Then, we'll lit the three candles on top of it, and after out ritual is done, we'll burn it for good luck, and keep a piece for next year.
I wish you all who follow the Old Path a beautiful Summer Solstice, as we're opposite in the Wheel of the Year, and a great Friday for the ones who don't! :0)
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Framed Friday 5
Today at Framed Friday the letter is M. And M is for Mugs. I love them, although I only have a few at home. But I found some cool mugs at Internet, and I'm displaying them here.
From Michele, my awesome photographer friend from The Rocky Mountain Retreat blog, there are these two mugs with very-pagan Nature themes that are lovely and make the act of drinking coffe and chocolat a sweet thing: And I found this beautiful set with sacred symbols from My Witch Shop, also available in black:

All of them with reasonable prices and good quality materials. Hmmm... suddenly I had this urge of taking a mug of chocolat...
For more products reviews, visit Learning Mama.
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Wednesday, June 18, 2008
ABC Wednesday - V

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Full Moon Dreamboard

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Monday, June 16, 2008
A loose tooth at home

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Friday, June 13, 2008
Framed Friday 4 with a giveaway!

My choice today is the Goddess Hestia. She is the Greek goddess of the hearth fire, hence presiding over domestic life. She is the eldest sister of Zeus and the oldest daughter of Rhea and Cronus. The Romans called her Vesta and even built her a temple at their Forum. I'm making a little Witch Kitchen to protect/decorate my kitchen, and I find this Goddess very similar in intention.
This sweet Hestia, from the Dancing Goddess Dolls is really charming, and has singular symbols to increase her protective powers, such as a little broom and a miniature clothespin, plus a tiny goddess in her necklace. She's available in two more sizes, including a pocket doll, and you can order different cloth patterns according to your wishes. It's a very appropriate "tool" to have near the stove to help keeping your meals always delicious! :)
I always recommend visiting this site, because the artist is constantly renewing her catalog of cloth goddesses and other articles, and is simply refreshing to admire her beautiful talent.
Don't forget, if you want to see more cool products reviews and want to win a special giveaway, go to Learning Mama this week!
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Thursday, June 12, 2008
Late ABC Wednesday - U

Here my little baby's tiny body was already completed, with the Umbilical cord around his neck (later, after a few loops, it was ok), and I was the proudest mom-to-be!
For more cool ABC photos, visit Mrs. Nesbitt's Place.
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Tuesday, June 10, 2008
A dragonfly in my corridor and a long post

She left the place feeling completely renewed, and this coming from my mother is astonishing. She's feeling just like before, the deep sadness she was carrying inside is different now, she feels herself lighter. We all know that psychologically she could feel better after this, but I truly believe something happened between yesterday and today. Mom is not the kind of person who is easily convinced of anything - actually she was the one who taught us to always seek the truth, the logic before believing in something odd. Something happened, no matter what it was, and seems like she refound her balance. And I'm happy for her.

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Friday, June 6, 2008
Today is my B-day!

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Framed Friday 3
Today is Framed Friday 3 and the letter is Y. One thing come to my mid starting with this letter about paganism: Yule, of course! :) For me here in Brazil, the Winter Solstice is knocking at my door, and I found these beautiful wooden Yule tree ornaments from The Immortal Light site:
The site is owned by two artists located in Mississipi Gulf Coast. Their talent can be enjoyed in several perfectly hand-pyrographed wooden crafts including beautiful boxes, altar kits, tiles and more, that can be personalized according to the client's desire. It's definitely on my wish list!
For more products reviews or to join the meme, visit Learning Mama.
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Wednesday, June 4, 2008
ABC Wednesday - T

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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

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