I love the New Moon. It's a time that always meant cleansing, getting rid of the old so the new can come into our lives, and making protection rituals to be sure the new will come with the best vibes possible without any bad influence. As I always did my cleansing in the whole house for years, now that I'm living at my mom's, I don't feel comfortable of doing anything like that anymore, no matter how supportive my sweet mother is. So I do whatever I want into our bedroom, in a smaller scale, which is not the same, of course. But we need to adapt ourselves to the current situations and get the best out of it, I know.
This month it was not different, and it was okay.
As it is also a great time for divination, I placed the gorgeous scrying mirror that my super-cool friend Nate, a.k.a.
Maebius made for me some months ago. It's my first scrying mirror, and I'm so in love with it! It's so beautifully made with such care, empowered with the proper symbols and vibes and even smudged as it should. Maebius rocks (btw, you need to watch the video he made on his absurdly cute little son drawing a comic strip, unmissable!)! ;)
I'm training/disciplining myself not to freak out in front of this mirror. It's easy for me to get some "doors" or "windows" opened and get images and signs forming, but I simply can't control myself to keep the focus and not to be afraid of what I'll see. So far this was the second time I used the mirror, and for the second time, I could sense and actually start to see something, but the heck I could let it fully come, I just blocked it and called it a night both times. It's a big issue that I know I need to work on. As I always say, nothing happens by chance, so when Nate said he would send me the scrying mirror, I knew it wasn't a coincidence. It was like the gods decided it was time for me to stop being this chicken, and said, "okay, deal with it.". Okay, I will... In due time, I will. Just getting used to it and stocking my courage.

He also send us the 12 beautiful samples of sand you see by the mirror's side, from several places in the U.S. Lucas adored using Google Earth to see where each one were from (just between us, I love that application and the dizzy fall from the sky to the spot we want to visit!). Lucas was sweet enough and allowed me to keep them in a little glass jar at my altar, layered in the numbered order they came. So now they're proudly displayed with the magick stone from Marie Segal on the top of it. I used to have a glass bowl with stones and peebles from around the world brought by co-workers when I worked at GE, but they're all at my ex - I hope I get them back asap, so these samples are very special to me, specially coming from a really sweet friend like Maebius. It's starting over a new collection.
Oh, and I stumbled upon this cute ritual at
Patti Wigington's page, that I plan to make next New Moon with my little witch, it's so simple and lovely to perform with kids! I hope the night is clear and not rainy then. Hope you guys had a prefect New Moon night as well!