This afternoon, though it was so cold, rainy and foggy, I went downtown to run errands. Before walking back home, I couldn't resist stopping by at one of my favorite second-hand bookstores, that is having a big 40% discount in all books - but seems like they always have these promotions when I'll buckless! Sigh.
I spent some time there, diving into the shelves as I always do, and found some good books, but couldn't afford to get them all, so I picked two. One by Margareth Atwood, "Surfacing" - more than probably good. I love Atwood, since I read many years ago "The Handmaid's Tale" - a book that hit me like a slap on my face, I highly recommend it!
The other book is Madru, by Frederik Hetmann. I've never heard about this author before, but the story called my attention, and I want to see what's all about. It's a novel on a Celtic lore, and each chapter has to do with a Celtic Tree tarot card -that comes with the book, small cards with cool images. I'm not much into tarot, used to read it around 22 years ago, they're very accurate - to the point of showing me that an ex-boyfriend was cheating on me with a older woman... I was reading them in front of him, who got red like a tomato! LOL Yes.. Really accurate!
And then I started studying runes, some 15 years ago, and I fell in love with it, and deepened my readings. The viking symbls talk to me very easily, and I love them still. Since I moved in here, I didn't touch my runes though, about time! Just too much trash to throw away first before feling alright to pick them up again.
But these cards are lovely. And the amazing thing was that, when Lucas got home aftr school, and saw the book + cards on my table, he wanted to lay them down. And boy, he did! My little witch got a gift. He decided he wanted to know about his life, and if he would still have peace in his future (I'm glad he finds his life peaceful now, even during all the bad phase, what a paradox). All I can say is that his cards were awesome. Simply awesome. His past was clearly there, the trials, going to his present troubles, leading to a better future, feet to the ground type. He made a happy, calm face while I was trying to explain the meaning for him, and said that was what he expected to see... Sometimes this boy gives me the creeps.
Now he wants to "play" with the cards all the time, it became his new toy, until the next new thing. I let him free to handle them, really believe we have to set them free to experience and try their gifts, if they're there.
By the way, about another kind of divination - with Yule approaching Southern Hemisphere, I'm finishing the perfect present for him (though now I'm not so sure! LOL): a set of felt runes. Lucas asked me a couple of months ago to make a yellow set with red cotton thread embroidery. As I had several Etsy orders pending, I just couldn't make them, only cut the felt and draw the symbols. Now I spared some time specially to have them ready for that day. I'll add a pinch of mugworth to enhance the psych side, and place it on our little Yule tree, when we set it. And you guys, are you getting ready for Summer? I'm definitely not ready for Winter here.. It's already so cold sometimes I think I became an ice cube!
Hope yo all are having a great week so far, and a lovely Memorial Day today. Kisses from us!