Healing candles will be lit for you with bright blessings wishes! :)
It's just touching to see how careful and concerned Lucas is about his herbs. He water them every morning before breakfast, move them to shade at lunch time, and already knows all of them by name. As we use a lot of herbs when preparing our meals, he's the one who picks what we need, and no need of telling him in which vase they are, he doens't make a mistake. And is very careful not to hurt the plant by pulling a bunch of leaves, just the necessary to season the recipes. Can't wait to add more to it!
My top three would be the following (although all of them are worthy winning!):
I've been through the hardest time in my life, as I posted earlier, with my older sister's near death. She's got a few days left, and it's extremely hard to deal with this pain, for all of us in the family who love her so much. Theorically I know it's part of the cyle of life, that every soul has a specific time in Earth. But goes tell my heart about it. It's broken, bleeding, crying, shouting in pain.
These are little things that make me go ahead everyday, even now that clouds are as if permanently over my heart.
*Image: Lucas last Ostara, at the little wood next our home we go almost every day.