As I said, this weekend Lucas was very inspired on the witch side, and today we had the most amazing talk while going to the park. We were commenting about yesterday, how everything was good, and how our Samhain ritual was great. Then he asked me how I visualized the quarters' guardians in my imagination, when we open and close the circle. Before I could answer, he starting telling me his ways. He said he imagines tiny witches wearing pointed hats, standing in silence on his altar, three or four for each quarter on the respective places, but that he would only "see" Fire's and Water's, but not Air's and Earth's - only blurred images.
We kept walking, and he said that when he was younger, it used to be easier to imagine them all, and that it became a bit more difficult now. "Was it like that with you?". I explained that when we grow up, sometimes we let prejudice take over our imagination, as if we were fools to admit we can imagine elementals or guardians - and he agreed with it, probably meaning that's what was happening to him... But I said that visualization is a very important tool in rituals and spells, and not foolishness, but something powerful and very private, nobody's business. I told him to keep practicing that he would be surprised one day and would visualize his two missing guardians. I could almost see his little mind processing the new data and analizing it.
Then he was more comfortable with it and we had fun comparing our guardians' versions, and our circles' versions - another surprise for me, so sharp and right his bubble of transparent white light seemed to me. When we got to the park, he said he likes having these talks with me, and ran to play. I watched all proud of him and happy that I could help banishing prejudice away at an very early stage, and maybe making his mind stretch up again just in time. If we didn't have this freedom to talk about everything, maybe he would keep this to himself and lose his ability to see, and a sensitive little guy would be lost too.
I felt truly blessed to be able to naturally talk to my son about something that for many people wuld sound absurd and unreal. I can see more and more of this to come in the near future...
9 comentários:
What a wonderful talk with your son! He is a very special little boy. Hugs to you both.
It makes me so happy when I read about you and Lucas and your freedom to have such conversations. Thank you for sharing them with us.
such a learning moment with your son.... those are the times that cant help but make you smile when you think about them....
Your posting gave me a giggly wonderful warmth. You are truly blessed as is your Lucas. The two of you are very special and share a special bond.
(((hugs))) until next time
What a special moment for you both - and how wonderful that you can have these talks with Lucas, and that he feels free to ask you anything. A very important thing in a parent-child relationship!
What a wonderful moment for the two of you!!
You are possibly one of the strongest witches I've ever met. I look forward to reading your posts and seeing you on Facebook. Lucas is so lucky to have a Mother like you.
You are an inspiration to me and I adore you!
Thank you for proving the "Gemini" curse wrong in my head.
Much love!
So cool! I know he is going to me an amazing witch as he gets older.
You both are blessed to have each other. Your son sounds like an old soul. :)
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