Wednesday, March 10, 2010

ABC Wednesday - H is for Hestia

I missed the last two weeks, when F and G featured. Busy spoiling mom in her foot surgery's recovery. But while cooking and cleaning up the house I had both letters: I was with my From the Cradle CD, by Eric Clapton, playing all the time... And Groaning the Blues is one of my favorite songs there.

This week, H for me is Hestia, my patroness Goddess. Hestia is the Goddess of sacred fire, the hearth, presiding over domestic life.

I have these two gorgeous arts that I love, that you can see above. Now that I'm living at mom's, I keep them together on my bedroom's wall, by my altar. The beautiful framed Hestia is with me for some years already, and it's from my friend Meg, the heart behind EarthStar Studios. And more recently, the sweet art card is from Sabrina, from the awesome Wishcraft Charms.

For more H posts, visit the ABC page, and join the fun!

5 comentários:

Holly, the Old Western Gal said... 1

I'm vain enough to say, "H is for Holly!" ha ha.

Just teasing.

Glad you have a place for your treasured art while at your mom's!

Roger Owen Green said... 2

and H is for healthy healing at the homestead.

On behalf of the ABC Wednesday team, thank you! - Ramblin' with Roger

Tania said... 3

Great post for H!
Wish you a nice evening.

KrisMrsBBradley said... 4

Oh, I love Hestia, too!!

Bridgett said... 5

They're beautiful, Nydia!