A very talented young photographer!
A beautiful photo! So much green!
Very beautiful nature photo! Good job, Lucas.Blessings,Marlyn
The sky looks so peculiar! You can tell the weather is most unsettled!
Yes, I've got one of those too in my oldest. I love that you let him pursue his bliss.
Lucas has a different perspective. You're right, he seems to be a natural photographer.
Is your brother a photographer as well? Lucas has a wonderful eye for scenery. He's pretty amazing.His perspective is just spot on.)O(boo
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7 comentários:
A very talented young photographer!
A beautiful photo! So much green!
Very beautiful nature photo! Good job, Lucas.
The sky looks so peculiar! You can tell the weather is most unsettled!
Yes, I've got one of those too in my oldest. I love that you let him pursue his bliss.
Lucas has a different perspective. You're right, he seems to be a natural photographer.
Is your brother a photographer as well?
Lucas has a wonderful eye for scenery. He's pretty amazing.
His perspective is just spot on.
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