Penguin is such a lovely animal, and it's my little son's nickname at home (pingüim, in Portuguese). I nicknamed him "penguin" when he started walking, those clumsy steps that only babies know how to do. And it stayed for life! I even want to have one tattooed on my ankle as a reminder of that funny time.
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10 comentários:
How cute!! My first boyfriend was nicknamed 'Penguin' - he was a sweet guy, too. :)
So cute! We have a stray cat hanging around the house I call Penguin because of his colors and the way he walks.
Aw, that's an adorable nickname for your son. My husband is partial to penguins. We have an "Opus" stuffed animal penguin from that Comic Strip.
Now now Nydia, don't go getting a penguin tattoo!!! I am scared they are going to find out the ink is poisonous one of these days and then everyone will have to undergo the laser surgery! I'm very scared of tattoos!!!
Lovely photo Nydia - and such a sweet story to go with it! Go ahead, get the tattoo - a penguin is the ideal subect!
On behalf of the ABC Team, and also for myself, thank you for sharing with us.
That is one adorable little penguin! Great capture of it on the move! :)
perfect plucky penguin.
There was a player with the Los Angeles Dodgers, an infielder named Roy Cey, and his nickname was the Penguin, I believe for hos walk.
That has to be one of the cutest pictures EVER! :)
Adorable little guy! Now here is one more thing we seem to have in common...my little man JD LOVES penguins...they are his favorite animal. (And we too thought he walked like a penguin as a young'un- but at age 6- his chubby little legs still have a bit of a waddle!) Oh Gosh... The joy our babies bring!
And your tatoo sounds like it will be just perfect. Lots of meanig that will bring tears to yur eyes and a smile of joy to your lips.
I waited to get tatoos until was older & knew what special peices I wanted (to live with at 80 years old, LOL)and also to draw my own....but now that I am plenty old enough- know what I want- and have even drawn them out....I am a Mama and cannot afford them!(Almost34 & STILL- not a single one!) (Never stopped my ex though...hes got a ton.)
I have one that I drew of a cartoon of my daughter around age 3,She is a little red headed devil with angel wings and a droopy halo. I still have yet to draw the 'perfect' one for my son yet. Hmmm, maybe a little speed demon penguin with flames? Lol.
Have a great night, and I hope all is well in your world.
~Danae aka 'Crafty'
HA! I just noticed soething else we share- You seem to love owls as much as I do! Owl is my Spirit Totem, (along with Turtle).
It was funny because it took me many years to notice it- but I have owls EVERYWHERE...in my house, my art- even from when I was a kid. Now Turtles I recognized as my Totem forever...but that sly wise Mother Owl crept up on me silently. Then one day I looked back- and realized that she had been here all along.
I love the beautiful owl ar you have here. (and BTW- who drew the witch silloette at the top of your blog? Is she your own? I like her very much.)
~Ciao Love~
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