These days I've been luckly (luckly in my mind, heart and pocket, hehehe) super-busy with orders at my shop, and I'm the kind of witch who gets even a bit obssessive, mainly thinking about it... all the time, lol! After my last bad love experiences, this is exactly what I needed, to overload my mind with Goddesses and Gods lores and symbolisms to create new embroideries, and leave no room for sad or depressive thoughts - because this is not my "natural nature", but you know how tricky a mind can be when finding room to wander... So if I'm not visiting you guys as I should, this is the reason, do forgive me!
Angelique, the talented artist and lovely friend, is keeping me specially busy this week (among other people's requests!). I've been surrounded by herbs, felts, threads and drawings to reach the best representations for the "babies" she asked of me. One of the cool things is that while I work I can teach Lucas about the myths - you know how immensely curious my little witch is, with his impossible questions that crack me up and make me wonder who this little boy is in fact, but this is for another post.
Since Sunday the weather changed a lot, for better. The sun is very warm and I can't resist enjoying its rays, so I work outside, leaning against our wall covered with ivy. I take my stuff and work there, drinking water from my bottle, while Lucas read his books to me. Now it's his Outer Space book's turn, and he's "teaching" me about the Sun, the planets and stars.
I have some babies to show off" :o))
Iris, the Rainbow Goddess, came first, with wormwood in Her stuffing:
Then Isis, the gentle but fierce Goddess, with red roses:
Oshun, the sweet waters deity, with jasmine:
I still have Yemanja to finish, and a new Freyja, because I think it can get better, and Hades...
I also made Arachne, with rosemary, for my cool friend (who's so cool that spins her own wool to create awesome stuff!) Angelica:
Marcia, one of my oldest online friends, asked me to make a Goddess-to-hug for her cute little daughter, who's been facing problems to sleep. I made an extra-large Cuba, the Roman goddess who protects little kids's at night, with no beads or hanging ribbons, and filled it with lavander and chamomile for obvious reasons. I hope She helps little V to get sweet dreams!
One of the cutest orders came from as lady who asked me to create a set of mini Autumn dragons to be place at her pre-schooler's classroom, for Michaelmas in Spetember. They were filled with lavender, to give a hand her with her little kids:
And I was honored to be asked to create a Prim Kitty for Leila, that incredible artist, who recently lost her lovely Gypsy:
The same happened some time ago when I made a cute bunny for my friend Maebius's wife (and ohmigods, he sent the most incredible acrying mirror this week, one more story for another post):

And now that I caught up with all the True Blood past episodes that I missed, this is another good reason to keep myself busy, getting the patience to wait seven days for the next Sookie & Bill's adventures (sigh)!
It's just good to have this kind of challenge, in creating new versions for ancient deities, and having the good feeling that I'll make someone's home a bit happier with my babies in them. And I do love to think that the Gods get pleased with my efforts when looking at themselves ready to go to their new places. :o)
Thank you all in advance for your own patience, by the way, if you got to the end of this post awaken, lol!
7 comentários:
You've certainly been one busy artist! I love all of your new creations, although I have no idea how you manage to do all the research and make your embroidery designs.. they're always so suiting!
Beautiful artifacts.
After this post I decided that if I do not win your AMAZING give away, then I must make a purchase from your Etsy Shop. I think they all look so perfect for each deity, a real connection to the past.
True Blood is greatttt. I honestly never know what to think when I watch a new episode!
Blessings to you nad Lucas!
One of my favorite things to do on your blog is feed Lucas' fish! HHAHAHA
Your work is beautiful. I am so glad it keeps your mind busy and happy!
Your work is so exquisite, Nydia. Heirloom-quality. I always seem to get anything I touch either grubby or torn. But your work is just perfect.
I love them all.. You do such Beautiful Work! I think I love Dragon's the most.. and of course the Bunny!
I love my Gypsy cat! I'm not surprised you have so many orders, your work is lovely! I know I'll be coming back for more...;)
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