The fun is getting better everyday at Mrs. B.'s place, I'm thrilled and addicted to it! Today there's a offsite contest at Vixie's Den, where you can try to win this beautiful apron - more cute and functional ones are available at her virtual shop Apron Frenzy:

You just need to blog about it and link her back, and comment on her page, letting her know what you did. Being the Queen of kitchen mess that I am, I couldn't resist!
There's also an amazing Tranquility Ogham pendant from Good Dirt Jewelry. I studied the Ogham alphabet years ago and I'm planning to make my own set of runes - such powerful oracle for me, then this pendant called my attention!

And at last... There a pin-up witchies wooden box with craquelet effect & a felt black cat that this blogger here made specially for the giveaway. Just send Mrs. B. an email telling her what's my son's name to have a chance to get it! I think I have mentioned his name here once, a long time ago... ;o)

9 comentários:
Good morning Nydia.
What lovely crafts you made for the giveaway.
I hope I can win one of them.
Bear((( )))
I put my name in for the apron, it's so sweet! Halloween is such fun and Mrs. B is taking it to a whole other level!
Love your crafts, you should set yourself up with esty!
I just have to say- that cat is cute!
I just came from Mrs. B site and she's having fun with us!
Just wanted to fly by and say "HI" and I'm piggy-backing with Suzie! She's a doll!
You should start an etsy shop! Didn't I say that before? ;O)
Hi! I got your comment on my blog, thanks a bunch! I love your crafty box, very cute. I look forward to checking back and seeing other stuff you do.
OMG that cat is cuter than ever!!! I think you ought to sell them right on your blog, you can get a PayPal button and stuff and just sell them right off the blog!!!
You did an awesome job on the gifts you contributed for the giveaway! The kitty is fantastic! I really like your box design, too. The contest winner is really going to enjoy these treats.
I give up! Nydia, I've tried to email you five times but it just won't let me (it keeps giving me a failure notice "Message content rejected") so I'll have to answer you here. Thank you SO much for the gorgeous box and cat -- and I'd love to hang the cat, since MY cat loves knocking things off tables! I'm going to put the box in the kitchen on my little kitchen altar, where it'll hold herbs and packets and such. I can't wait to see it! I was so excited when I won! Sorry, I don't have a blog -- I keep in touch with friends through email groups. Anyway, thanks again!!!
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