SO yesterday wass ABC and the letter was U. I was so busy at work I had no time to post! But today things are easier, so I have to post here about one of my favorite bands, U2:

This great band from Dublin formed in '76 won my heart many years ago, when I was a early teenager, with "Gloria" and "Sunday Bloody Sunday". Their growing maturity always pleased me at each album they launched. "All that you can't leave behind" is special to me because it was my second year living with Rodrigo and he bought it for me. It was considered the return to the band's traditional sound. I love "Elevator", used to dance around the house every night. "In a little while" was the song Joe Ramones was listening to when he died, with very sweet lyrics, simply adorable. "Rattle and Hum" is a rock-documentary with live presentation that some say is controversial but I consider it a rockbomb. This trio is a must for me!

In 2007 January, before knowing I was pregnant, I had a heavy bleeding that my ex-doctor thought it was a myoma. When I had the Womb Ultrasound made to confirm it, imagine my surprise to hear my "myoma's heart" beating out loud! It was my Unborn Lucas on his way! Obviously I changed doctors after this and other mistakes the doctor made with me. I had no confidence in him anymore... Below is the Ultrasound taken in 2003, end of February (I was two months then):

Here my little baby's tiny body was already completed, with the Umbilical cord around his neck (later, after a few loops, it was ok), and I was the proudest mom-to-be!
For more cool ABC photos, visit Mrs. Nesbitt's Place.
10 comentários:
The Joshua Tree is one of my all time favourite albums!
Great post Lydia.
Hi there!
I too love the Joshua Tee - gosh, it must date us????
Sadly no postcard from you yet... do wonder - as now recall... postcards sent by Little Buddy in the 90's only made it when in an envelope!!!
Good choice for U, U-2. Thanks for coming to my blog and the really nice comments. - Margy
Nydia, what a special ulatrsound....a very good choice for the letter "U"....sometimes doctors don't get the right diagnosis....hard to have trust with them....glad all worked our for Lucas! (He is adorable!)
U2 is one of my favorite bands, too. Love the ultrasound picture. Modern technology is so amazing.
What a wonderful Ultra sound. It is so amazing what they show now.
Hello, Nydia!
Great ideas!
U 2...Why not a video ...as usual ?When you won't be so busy?
Amazing story of ultrason !("échographie", in French)
Today, it's my lesson of Yoga,(the last of the year) and I ll'take some photos for"y"!
miss Yves
Interesting "U" post.
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Wow, he is only two months and he already looked like a little person. Great choice for U.
Wonderfulchoices for the letter U.
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