I was wondering many ways to thank you all for the awesome support you have been giving me through my via crucis - those who know me a bit long know what I mean! - and I thought it would be cool to make a giveaway - getting into the mood that is all around for Halloween! I always join every giveaway I know about (greedy... LOL), so I think it would be fair enough to give it back, make the same from the other side of the screen.
As I made some new stuff for my Etsy, I decided that nothing could be better to give away than my new Lavender Goddess. It measures around 7.5 inches long. Lavender is known as a color for cure, restart, good vies, relax. The Goddess wearing this color woul be perfect, and the pentagram I embroidered in her belly reinforce the idea of connection - or reconnection. That's how I say thank you for bearing with me during these long, hard months! :o)
To be eligible to win, simply leave a comment here and add your name to my Follow list. The giveaway will take place on Spetember 22nd, Ostara in the Northern Hemisphere. Lucas will pick up the winner from a bowl, all recorded by video!
Good luck!
As I made some new stuff for my Etsy, I decided that nothing could be better to give away than my new Lavender Goddess. It measures around 7.5 inches long. Lavender is known as a color for cure, restart, good vies, relax. The Goddess wearing this color woul be perfect, and the pentagram I embroidered in her belly reinforce the idea of connection - or reconnection. That's how I say thank you for bearing with me during these long, hard months! :o)
To be eligible to win, simply leave a comment here and add your name to my Follow list. The giveaway will take place on Spetember 22nd, Ostara in the Northern Hemisphere. Lucas will pick up the winner from a bowl, all recorded by video!
Good luck!
***UPDATE: The widget finally worked! :o) ***
37 comentários:
Oh, she's adorable!
I came over from Mrs. B's. I'm sure you're getting a lot of that. :) I hope blogger's photo widget starts working for you again soon!
I love her. I started following you after Mrs. B talked about you. I love your blog and the things in your shop are amazing.
Ahhh....she is so lovely, a reflection of your heart! I believe I found your blog from Mrs. B's as well. I am SO glad I did. I love following your blog and your journey in life with your beloved Lucas.
Brightest Blessings to you and Lucas! Marlyn
Ha ha I'm not entering Nydia, just admiring!!! I am too lucky, I win all the time and it isn't fair karma-wise to others. So I'm just dropping by to say hello as usual!!!
Nydia please consider getting a free email account, that laposte account is being very bad and throwing the emails back!!! OOOOOoo I just now thought of something, I could write you from Etsy, duh!!!
I am in love with the purple Goddess beautiful :-)
Well, I haven't been with you for months...but I still adore you. :)
The lavender Goddess is gorgeous, obviously made with love.
Blessed be!
I am a Mrs. B follower as well. Looks like she got you a slew of new readers. Great, you have a good blog.
Your lavender goddess is gorgeous! Where's your Etsy page?
This is so pretty! You are so talented! Brightest blessings.
I love them... want one.... even if I dont win....
Shes absolutely beautiful and well made, I can tell she was made with love.I follow and wish I had found you sooner.You have a great blog :)
Good luck everyone!
Hey I came over from Mrs B's too, She's beautiful and well made too, well done I'd give her a home in a second xx
How was I NOT on the follow list already? I'm a dork...
Okay.. I am following my favorite pagan Mama!! (I wish you were closer!)
I hope you are doing well, I am keeping caught up with you...
Hugs... you are loved!
Looks wonderful.
Very pretty. :) You can tell about the care in making it. ;) It's art.
Consider me a new follower! Found your blog through Mrs. B, and I love your crafts!
I just came over from Mrs. B's site. I joined your blog and I am now following it. Have a wonderful day and Bright Blessings!
Nydia- she's gorgeous! I still have the cat I won last year hanging up in my room.
Haha, I enter almost every giveaway, too. I've been trying to figure out a way to give back. I can't think of anything I can goveaway! I still wish I could make handmade things like you. They are amazing.
I'm a follower now - I'm glad Mrs. B led us to you! Love your pictures - glad you got it figured out!
I also love your art - this Goddess is lovely, and your skulls are great too!
Hi I am Tabatha I came over here from Mrs.B's. Your son is so handsome. I would love to win the Goddess. When I get some extra money I see lots of things on your Etsy that I would love to buy for myself.
I came over here from Mrs. B's as well. Looks like you'll have lots of new followers! :)
The goddess is beautiful, and as lavender is my little goddess's herb of choice, I'm sure she'd love to win this!
amazing ! its very beautiful, i really want one like this !!
So beautiful! I just discovered your blog, and your Etsy store...I'll be keeping my eye on it now!
It's posted! :)
I'm following! :)
She is as beautiful as the one who created her! I would love to give her a happy home - count me in! <3
She's beautiful, Nydia! I love your crafts and I'd be so happy to win one!
I have always wanted a goddess! One with my favorite, lavendar in it would be so wonderful. I really like your blog. Have a sunshine day! HUGS
Haven't I entered yet? Yikes. Please enter me for this lovely. I make spirit dolls, too, and I just love her. :)
She is quite lovely and she inspires me to make things for Samhain! I'm now following you and look forward to posts.
We would love to give her a good home!!!
What a lovely give away! I found out about it over on Mrs. B's blog. If it's okay, I'll post a link on my blog as well. I'm just getting started again, but still have a few followers. Hopefully some of them will see it and stop on by. :)
Thanks for hosting this. :)
What a beautiful goddess! I just found your site from Mama Kelly's recent post on 2 Witches Blog. I'm adding myself as a follower - I can't wait to read through previous posts :)
***Blessed Be***
I follow please enter me!
What a lovely goddess. I came over from 2 Witches blog and I am now following you :)
I've never entered a giveaway before but love Lavender and your Goddess, so will keep my fingers crossed that Lucas will pick me.
Hope you are both happy in your new life.
Hi there,
I stumbled upon your blog and immediately bookmarked it. :) I hope you don't mind me not becoming a follower. I simply bookmark my favorite sites and then take some time to visit them without actually becoming a follower. Anyway, thanks for your generous giveaway -- I would love to be included. :)
Greetings from Munich,
Count me in!!
*Crossing my fingers* ;)
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