I was double lucky & honoured to be awarded by two new and already cherished blogger friends, D. Suplicki and Crafty Cutie. It's great when I'm remembered - because I know first-hand how hard it is to pick up a blogger friend among the several ones we love! Thank you ladies! :o)
Now the rules:
1. Thank the person who gave this to you.
2. Copy the logo and place it in your blog.
3. Link the person who nominated you.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that no one would really know.
5. Nominate seven 'Kreativ Bloggers'
6. Post links to the seven blogs you nominate
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know you nominated them
So let's see... seven fact about me that no one would really know...
1. Let's start with a pathetic one: I sleep with a teddy bear. Yes, I do. I have always slept with a plush toy since I was a tiny kid (dirty minds, refrain your sick comments! LOL). So there's always a teddy bear with me. Even when married, my then husband would be by my side, and the toy by my other side...
2. I can turn , for my little witch's delight, that simple olympic gym's jump, I don't know the word in English, here is a "star", where you turn over your head on both hands, and fall with one foot at a time, you know? That is all that was left from the time I took olympic gym classes as a teen. Oh, another pathetic one, isn't it? LOL
3. I love dancing when I'm all alone at home. No matter the rhythm, I can't help turning the radio on out loud and dancing to sweat. Alas, I have to do it again, since I moved to mom's, I haven't got time alone...
4. I'm very religious on my own way, although I don't bother others about it. I always thank the Gods for my life, and I'm constantly talking to them whenever I am, in the streets, in the shower... It's almost obssessive, but I feel in tune being this way, what can I say.
5. I'm so greedy about my chocolates... I always buy two identical bars for me and for Lucas, so he won't ask a bit from my packet. How bad is that?! But a chocolat bar desappears in seconds in my hands...
6. When I was three, my middle brother (Delcio) left me alone in a dark room with a trrifying kind of music playing. I got desperate till mom found me after some minutes, and since then I became a easily scared person. I've already forgiven him for that, btw.
7. I'm absolutely clumsy. No one would tell by watching me walking in the streets. At least, not in the first two minutes. I use to say that I have 15 pairs of built-in arms and legs that fly off all at a sudden, and disasters happen often. Today I dropped with my hip a little jar full of water that was on Lucas' altar, right inside his backpack, minutes before taking him to school. Beautiful.
Now nominating 7 kreative blogs. Oh gods, all my blogroll is kreative, I don't like this part! Here are the ones this time around, and why:
* Janet, because her art is the sweetest. She draws gorgeous, languid ladies with big dreaming eyes, and her art energy is contagious. I'm her fan for a long time.
* Holly, because she offers alterd vintage art that are the cutest, makes awesome earrings, and her blog is full of great ideas to embelish our pages, everything packed in her typical bitter-sweet sense of humour that is captivating.
* Kris, because she never fails giving great suggestions of how to be witchly kreative at home, in the kitchen, in the garden, in the whole house, and she's got enough energy left to lead THAT kreative Halloween party we're all waiting for. All this while taking care of her own house with three teen!
* Turtle, beause her polymer clay art is simply amazing! I am a lucky owner of two of her pieces, and I can say they're incredible. She's got art it in her veins.
* Suzie, because there's magick in her kitchen, and her recipes are inspiring! Even those who are not able to boil an egg get this urge of cooking her great meals. And she's kreative in her sweet way, inspiring people to go ahead no matter what - that's how I see her. She's a dear friend full of that special light.
* Mama Kelly, because she and her friend Lady Rose manage this wesome blog with som many magick resources, and she always tries to see the best in life, even if life is hard sometimes. She's kreative for sticking to her path with honesty and transparency. A real person being a real witch.
* Michele, because her strenght and sweetness is so touching, and her incredible photography about her beautiful Canada corner is breath-taking, I love this truly fighting girl.
6 comentários:
You are such a sweetie! Thank you for the award and for the kind words about my art. You know I'm a fan of your blog....not to mention that adorable little Lucas! I wish you both all the best of everything.
Aren't you the biggest sweetheart ever! I am so happy you got the award, you totally deserve it, I just adore you. Hugs!
You are the creative one, dearie! Just look at the wonderful life you have made over and over for Lucas, no matter where or how, and also at your lovely handmade items and your altars!!!
Thank'ee for the award...
The star jump you're talking about is called a cartwheel in english. :) I've never been able to do those - I have no gymnastic talent. :D
And, I still sleep with a stuffed animal too! I think it's more common than we realise.
I just loved your list. :)
And dropping the jar of water in the backpack? Sounds JUST like something I'd do too. LOL
Thank you so much for the award! I'm thrilled!
You can turn cartwheels? (#2) That is something I have never been able to do, not even when I was younger.
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