Hello! Have you noticed that I was a little silent? Besides diving into Soul Coaching (simply fabulous!) and pampering my little "chickenpoxed" witch, I was working hard these days on my crafts for opening the Etsy shop - now there's a little window on my sidebar *proudly pointing out*. And today, after an afternoon of typing, editing, copying and pasting, phew! It's finally open!! I invite you my friends to take a look at it and tell me what you think - but please, no pressure! I don't expect anyone to buy anything, all I need from my friends is a moral support, really!

To celebrate my little victory, I'll humbly giveaway a customized prim cat keyring (it doesn't have to be exactly like the one above, I mean) this Saturday. The winner will choose from the following colors in felt: black, ice, brown, green, red, grey, and any appliqué for the tummy. Just leave a comment here and on Saturday noon, I'll pick up a name. Is anyone willing to try? :o)
25 comentários:
Ice would be nice! Very cute.Count me in!
My craft name (you might be able to tell by my blog's URL!) is silvermoon, so if I were to win, I'd want one just like the one featured here!
Your shop is amazing! I wish you great luck and good fortune with it!
I would love to try to win your kitty! Very Cute! Congrats on the opening of your shop!
Congratulations Nydia on opening your very own Etsy shop.
It looks wonderful.
Give Lucas a gentle bear hug from me and tell him "No scratching even though we know it itches."
Bear((( )))
Oh yes - I am very willing to try! And if I don't win, I see that I can purchase one in your adorable Etsy shop! :)
You r show is adorable. i love the items. I would love to win this little kitten for myself
Ooh! I'm in! That is a very beautiful keychain.
Congrats Nydia! Those are adorable. If I am able to get to my computer on Saturday I will definitly enter!
Congrats on opening your shop! Hard work always pays off. Wish you the best! (And count me in on the kitten, because I LOVE LOVE LOVE black cats!)
I'll throw my own ballot in for a chance to win such an adorable prize!!
Sorry for posting here again Nydia, but I tagged you! Check out my blog for the details.
So adorable! I'd love one!
definitely count me in - your black cat key ring is awesome and so is your etsy store - CONGRATS on your opening - how exciting!!
Well done you!
I wish you heaps of success.
Do hope Lucas is doing well too.
Have a great family weekend.
Love to you all!
Well done! I love the boxes you have on sale. You'll sell so much you'll be kept busy working to replace them!
Way to go Nydia! You rock and I'm so happy for you that you're delving into Etsy and showing off you talent here. That kitty is amazing!
hola, nydia!!
felicidades on your Etsy shop! i love it! and i love your creativity; it's just inspiring. =)
btw, you've been tagged! come check out my blog to see. i mentioned you there.
Those are sooo cute!
How cute! I don't think it would be possible to lose my keys with such a keyring!
Me again!
Have tagged you for a meme called "A Snapshot of my Life!"
If you've time do play.
This is so charming! My sense is that you will do quite well with your etsy shop! Wishing you the best.
Wow, so many comments! See what you started?! *grin*
I'll comment here to say congratulations on getting your Etsy shop up and running. I'll pass on the kitty keychain if my name is pulled though, and offer it to one of your many other readers.
Again, congrats, these little cats look wonderful!
So many adorable things at your etsy shop! I love all the kitties!
Great keychain - fabulous shop!
Love the black cat with the silver moon! Best of luck with your shop Nydia!
I would love to win that...It is so cute!
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