Friday, August 31, 2012

Blue Moon ritual

Oh, tonight we'll have the last Blue Moon until 2015! I'll miss the great power this Full Moon brings, so I'll surely be at home to honor this special event, patiently looking forward to seeing it again in three years. You can read a good article about the Blue Moon here. Did you know that Neil Armstrong's memorial service will be held today? Good vibes could be sent to the man who took that step so many of us always dreamed to take!

So tonight we'll make our little Esbat, putting the names of relatives and friends into the little witch's cauldron, to be burned at our healing & protection ritual, praying for the Goddess & the God's assistance. I'll post about it at my Facebok wall, so if you want to have your name, your relatives or friends added to the cauldron, just leave a comment there. :o)

Hope you all have a lovely Blue Moon night!

1 comentários:

greekwitch said...

Happy Ostara to you and Lucas!
I hope all your wishes come true!