Sunday, May 30, 2010

Weekend fun

So Saturday was really awesome! We had a great time outside, and now I have a blister on my little toe, but happy to have walked around the city with my little witch, enjoying the sun (finally!) and the almost warm weather - at least when we were not in the shadow side! Lucas took most of the ohotos, specially the Nature ones, he loves finding new angles to later show my brother, he's becoming a pro! LOL

We went to the Imperial Museum garden, where lovely squirrels watched us, then to my brother's photogrpahy exhibition, then to the park with my oldest nephew, then MacDonalds... A full busy day! And at night we went to our favorite bar with mom to enjoy my sister's arrival from Sao Paulo, eating French fries.

And Sunday has jusr begun! :o)
Wish everybody a wonderful day and a great week!

3 comentários:

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

I loved your photos of your outing. You have such a beautiful family. (((hugs))) until next time

K(Banterings of a Basketcase) said...

You are an awesome mom! Your little witch will look back at these times and appreciate your friendship!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow!! How I've missed coming over here.
The slideshow is beautiful and you and Lucas are sooo gorgeous and happy looking!
Cheers to you, my wonderful single mom friend. You're doing great!!!