So mom made the tagliatelle and brigadeiros - her special recipes fo Lucas, and I made the apple pie and Suzie's Cookies. I decorated the pie with a cinnamon pentagram, and it was then that everybody started joking, like, "oh, a pentagram, we're doomed now! I can't eat it!" ...Sooo funny, sure...

Lucas had fun with his big cousins...

... While we enjoyed the cookies after lunch...

At night, we performed our little ritual - the altars were set up on the previous day -, and Lucas was particularly inspired this time, spreading salt and ringing the bell while opening the circle chanting our "By the power of Earth, by the lightness of Air, by the heat of Fire, and by the purity of Water". I could feel the energy around us so clearly... Then we set fire to the list of things we wanted to get rid of in our lives on Lucas' cauldron - his favorite part - and he meditated cross-legged - cute! - while I was standing in front of my altar after the ritual - I didn't want to take a photo of this moment so... "his own". I felt as if I would invade his space.

But he wanted to pose just like this after it:

It was a very special night with my little witch, and the sabbath brought a knot to my throat again, as this was my second one after my sister died. But I felt in peace and right, and the cycle was closed.
I hope you all had a beautiful Beltane time, and for those who don't celebrate it, a great weekend!
2 comentários:
I so love to hear of your times with Lucas... a very happy family you have and a wonderful relationship... blessings dear
I love how your family participates with you, even if they do joke around. Looks like a great time! I love how you made the pie!!
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