Wednesday, March 19, 2008

ABC Wednesday - I

Today is letter I. As I just love incenses, speciall sandalwood's, here is my Incense can made by myself from the scratch a long time ago:
Scarecrows are another of my passions, so I took this model from a craft magazine and followed the instructions, once I'm not an expert with it. It came out quite ok, right? :) And there I save all my incense packs used in sabbaths, esbats, or simply to keep the house with their nice scents.
Of course Lucas had to show up and, just for fun, here's my little witch - a little blurred - Inside my wardrobe (he says he's pretending to be Harry Potter waking up in that cabinet, from the first book.):
That's all for the ABC today!

17 comentários:

Miss_Yves said... 1

lucas seems mischievous, isn't he?
Miss Yves

gma said... 2

Love your blog....Love Sandlewood incense too.

mrsnesbitt said... 3

I could do with some incense for the kitchen. I cooked fish and the smell is lingering!

Lilli & Nevada said... 4

Great I post

Kyanite said... 5

I for incense, another one I overlooked.
I've not visited you before but will again as have a pagan interest. Ran a New Age Celtic dSop for a practising Wicacan, the interest rubbed off.

Janet said... 6

Sandlewood incense reminds me of my mom. She used to burn it when she cooked something with an odor!

Lucas is such a cutie!!

KOSTAS said... 7

Very good post and scarecrows also! I believe has fun the small Lucas!

Andrea said... 8

Nice "I" post. The little boy is cute.

Petunia said... 9

Very great I post!

Unknown said... 10

Great I post!

Michele said... 11

Hi Nydia, I love incenses as well. We burn incense almost daily and that can is cute that you made. Great ideas.

Dragonstar said... 12

I can't believe that this is your third ABC Wednesday, and this is the first time I've seen you.

This is a great post, and I love your blog. I'll be back again.

FO - 2 said... 13

Lucas is very cute and charming! :)

Kim said... 14

Incense usually gives me a headache, but I love the smells :( Lucas is a cutie.

DeeMom said... 15

AH incense is good...
Lucas has quiet a bit of merriement in his eys, good looking young boy

dot said... 16

Lucus is a cutie and so is your scare crow!

Ocean said... 17

Like you, I too love incense. I burn different types of incense regularly, and I also like sandalwood. Amber is another favorite of mine.

However, I tend to use loose incense for rituals - the type you burn on charcoal rounds. There is just something magickal about watching the smoke coming up from my small cast iron cauldron when I burn my special incenses in it. Oftentimes I make my own incense mixtures, from different dried herbs and resins which I purchase. Alot of times I use frankincense and myrrh, which are my favorites for ritual use.

Deaf Pagan Crossroads