Sunday, March 27, 2011

Late Mabon news

One thing leads to another, and when I see, time slipped through my fingers, and Mabon passed without me posting about it. It was a cool day, coinciding with my favorite aunt's 69th birthday:

We had a barbecue in her nonor, got our closest friends and my siblings at home and had lots of fun, as usual.
We burned the Geen Man mask made at Litha, celebrating the turning of the season. It went from this:

... To this:

It was more impressive than in the photo, lol!

Lucas' altar was all set for the sabbath, with our traditional paper cornucopy full of grains and coins, and an apple as a natural candle holder (just carved the middle, removing the seeds and adding a pinch of rosemary in the hle before placing the red candle in it). In the evening, we made our ritual, lighting the candle, and burning his wishes & thanks in his cauldron:

And the Autumn is here again, bringing a bit of new colors to the trees, a different atmosphere and implacable rains, night and day.

I hope you guys on the Northern Hemisphere had a lovely and yummy Ostara!

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