As everybody could see, I've been offline lately. The last weeks have been absurdly paranoid here... Explaining: in Brazil and especifically in Rio, we are facing a terrible epidemic - literally speaking. There's this awful mosquito, Aedes Aegypti, that's causing hundred of deaths, mainly children, by its bite - the disease is called dengue fever. It's so absurd that, in the 21st Century, we're still as if in Middle Age. I feel totally frustrated and impotent. Government is the main guilt for not paying attention to it months earlier, along with people who simply are not careful about the simplest, basic things in hygiene terms... oh well... for those who don't live here is hard to explain Brazilian politics, but you can easily guess...
The symtoms are very similar to flu, so when we started getting sick at home, I panicked. First Rodrigo spent one week in bed, all sleepy and aching body, but no fever. Then it was my turn, high fever, aching body, headaches. And finally, Lucas, the same thing this week - and THIS really scared me, because his fever was higher than ever. We all had blood exams, to be sure it wasn't this stupid dengue fever, and we had to pray to all gods until the resutls were available and we could be calm. Thankfully it was "only" a virus - in Lucas' case, his old friend, tonsilitis.
But I'm still pissed off (sorry for the language) because we're in a state of emergency in our city, and it didn't need, at all, to get to this point. We have to shut doors and windows at 5pm, after spraying pesticide and burning citronella incenses to avoid the mosquitos. We only go out after passing repelents, and every time a relative or a friend gets a flu, we think it's dengue. It's so ridiculous, and so sad, to see this happening. I can't wait now for the cold to come and take this nightmare away.
7 comentários:
Oh my goodness! Many hugs and prayers for you and your neighbors. That was one thing about Puerto Rico. The day we arrived and went to Abuela's house, I saw mosquito larva in her house plant base. I showed her and she changed the water. I hate mosquitos. I'm glad you're back, I've been wondering where you were! Online friends are hard to check up on unless they write :-)
Aww... I am so sorry to hear of this. This makes me sad and I can only imagine the frustration you must all go through. It must be a very scary time.
Hang in there, be strong and I will say prayers for all that this terrible epidemic passes as quickly as possible. You do not need to suffer anymore.
Yes, I feel the same way about you and a 19 year old girl from Australia. I love talking to you both and she also has a diary and we do lots of back and forth about that.
I'm so sleepy now. We just finished putting together a swingset for V. It took us 5 hours and it's past midnight now. I must go to sleep haha.
Upcoming and you place in the windows protective special for the mosquitos.
Also mosquito nets in the beds.
It must be so worrying for you! I'm glad Lucas "only" had tonsillitis - and that sounds crazy, because tonsillitis is horrible, but you know what I mean.
Take care.
This is horrible! I would be afraid to leave the house or even open the windows. How awful. I hope you and your family can stay safe & healthy until the crisis is past.
I suspect that U.S. politics are no better than yours... we Americans get frustrated with our government as well - they have been slow to respond to various crisis up here as well... a notable example being hurricane Katrina, for which we still read all the criticisms regarding how it's been handled... on both local and federal levels.
But New Orleans is slowly bouncing back... and I believe that Rio will do the same. It only proves the strength and resilience of the people - that in spite of government intervention (or lack of it)... we will persevere.
Sending you healing energies - glad to see you back online.
Deaf Pagan Crossroads
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