Thursday, February 11, 2010

Late Lughnasadh photos

Here are the photos of my Lughnasadh night, at least! We had our simple ritual, when Lucas made a paper god, filled it with rice and oat, and had it burning in his cauldron, as a reminder of the god's sacrifice. Of course, the blurred photo was taken by him, by moving the camera to make this "special effect"... It ended up fun!

Now look what our sweetest friend Meri sent to Lucas as a Yule gift:

A dragon incense burner, and the smoke come out from his mouth! Soooo cute! Lucas loved it, and I had to stop him or he would burn all incenses in one night! Lucas always said that his animal totem is the dragon, so this dragon is in the right place now! :o)

Hop you all had a beautiful sabbath!

1 comentários:

Bridgett said... the pictures.
And that dragon is way cool!