Monday, July 13, 2009


Hello, friends!

Seems like I've been away for ages, simply because last week I couldn't get online... Lucas' old tonsilitis was back, and this time I didn't give him any antibiotics. I chose not to, since his fever were pretty low (only once it reached 39ºC), and he wasn't feeling so down. He already took enough antibiotics in his little life to keep a mamute alive, so this time we treated him with homeopathy, honey and specific herb teas. It took longer for him to recover, but at least itwas not something aggressive to his organism.
We watched a lot of Harry Potter DVDs, I read a lot of Monica & Friends comics (a Brazilian one thatLucas adores and I also loved when a kid), and he slept a lot too. At least he ate well, not avoiding anything I offerred, and drank tons of water and lemon juice. I just hate when he gets sick, wish I could be in his place.
Now he's back to his electric self again - actually we spent the cold, windy Sunday playing Playstation's Crash Racing Team game that his uncle lended, eating chocolate brigadeiros - and he went to school today (not after a couple of tears, poor little thing...) for his last week before his July 2-week vacations. As my mother will be here, he's counting the days to spend time with his grandma and show her everything around. I can hardly wait too!

3 comentários:

Miranda said...

I'm glad he's feeling much better. Nothing like a sick kid. Good that you try the natural stuff first. I believe in that too.

Tori said...

I'm glad Lucas is better! Let's hope he stays better for a long time. Have fun with you mom when she gets there!

Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said...

Hi sweetheart! Thanks for swinging by to say Hi. I miss you oodles and think you sound so happy. I think of you often and can't wait until you have settle in, planting and the life of the earth in your hands!

