The next Sabbath is approaching! While most of you are anxiously waiting for Samhain, here we're getting ready for Beltane to arrive. And nothing better to celebrate the turning of the Wheel than to give away... A Wheel of the Year! ;)

I created my magnetic Wheel of the Year to help my little witch to follow the turning of the Wheel and to get used to the Goddess & the God's myth. I think it's a cute way to teach them about it on a playful way. Ours is permanently displayed on the fridge at the reach of his hand. If you want to have one too for your little one, or for yourself, and, along with it, one of my Baby Goddesses or Gods of your choice, join the fun!
To enter (mandatory entry):
For more chances to win (leave a separate comment for each entry, please!):
* Heart my Carioca Witch Etsy shop (1 entry);
* Blog about this giveaway, leaving the respective URL in the comment (2 entries);
* Twitter about it (1 entry per day - leave me a comment per Twitter with the respective URL).
The giveaway ends on October 31st, when Lucas will pick up the winner from my witch hat. Good luck!! :o)
86 comentários:
Following :)
Oh course I follow you :D
I hearted your shop a long time ago under rowansilverhorse21
I tweeted about it here:
Blogged about it here:
Second entry for blogging about it.
You know I'm following! I'm not sure which God or Goddess I would choose, but I have been eying up Pan and Brigid for a while now. :)
I heart your shop and have for a while as thewhimsicalcottage. ;)
I tweeted! Here is the url
I think I follow you everywhere possible. lol I love the baby Hestia. Thanks for such a wonderful giveaway!
I hearted you awhile ago on Etsy as Omalinda.
I would absolutely adore baby Armid. and the grands would love the wheel of the year.
I just posted your giveaway on my blog Olde Baggs n Stuft Shirts. Thanks for the opportunity. The Olde Bagg
I'm a follower and would love a Brigid.
I've hearted your etsy shop.
I have followed your blog since I found it about a month ago.
Ooops. I forgot to tell you which goddess. Since I find myself entering my crone years, I find myself drawn to Hecate
I hearted your etsy shop
I tweeted this giveaway
I'm following! I am in LOVE with your Thor God. I think this is a great giveaway!
love the little witch on the stump! i would invite Frigga along for the ride.
shop already added under petoskystone
I've been following you for over a year now :)
I hearted your etsy shop :)
blogged about it!
ok I'm clueless as to how to find the url for the specific tweet since I just signed up yesterday.. this is the best I can do http://twitter.com/#!/witchlife
since I already have both Morrigan goddesses, I think I'd like to try the Gaia baby if that's available :)
Oh Nydia can I enter for my sil Summer ? this would be great for my 8yo nephew they homeschool too and we of course are very good friends as well as family !
Thanks a bunch ! You are such a creative witchy momma Nydia ! we celebrate all these holidays too in our waldorf homeschool Samhain is my fav day of the whole yr. as it was my gramma's birthday . very special soul day for me ☺
thanks again !
lov rox
Kodell9 Reading: Bringing up Salamanders - http://bringingupsalamanders.blogspot.com/2010/10/my-samhain-beltane-giveaway.html
I tweetd
I already follow your blog and I loooove athena
Nydia, I can't believe all the lovlies in your shop! You've been busy, girl! I think they are all so awesome, but Demeter is one of my favs...I've also fallen in love with your witchy skull keychains! ;)
I'm a follower, of course! ;)
loved your shop on Etsy since I first visited!
Of course i am following you beautiful! mmmwah!
I would love to have a Hecate :)
Yeee! I've always loved your Wheel of the Year. As for a baby goddess/god...it's always so hard to choose in your shop, but I think I'd pick pan :)
Hearted your etsy shop ages ago! :D
Following your blog and I love the Baby Morrigan Goddess
I've added your shop to my favorites on Etsy.
I really like the Hestia and baby. So nice. I became a follower.
Heart your shop : )
Have been following you for ages ;-) I really love your baby Demeter - my own witchling would adore Her.
Already heart your Etsy shop (witchlyn)
Now that I think about it, I may want one of the darker goddesses if I win. ;) I tweeted today!
First of all I love the new layout! I know I am behind but I love it.
I think I would like a mini hermes god. That would be awesome.
I also tweeted it
This is the actual link to my twitter post sorry!
I would LOVE to get a Hera baby to go along with my full size one :)
angeliqueart already hearts the Carioca Witch Etsy shop :)
Tweeted by @angelmroczka! Not sure how to link to it though in the new Twitter...
I've loved your little goddesses for the longest time.Following you on twitter and the Village
Definitely gave you a follow! And if I win, I think I'd like the Gaia Goddess, if its available. Otherwise, anything is fine with me.
I am a follower but as for a baby god/goddess...shoot! Can I decide if I win? How about that one about sleep that you wrote about recently? Let me see if I can find that...yeah, Morpheus! I know you want to make one. ;)
I've already hearted your etsy shop. :)
And here is my blog entry.
Tweeted - only not sure how to get the view of the tweet. But here's my profile page - arholtz I hope!
Wow! I love your things! I hearted you on Etsy, added you as a friend on Facebook and am now following this blog! lol
I love this wheel! So beautiful!
I looked through each and every on of your items, so hard to choose which Goddess! lol I loved Ocean, but then I saw Artemis (in tan, not the blue) and fell in love!!
You are so talented!
Wow! I love your things! I hearted you on Etsy, added you as a friend on Facebook and am now following this blog! lol
I love this wheel! So beautiful!
I looked through each and every on of your items, so hard to choose which Goddess! lol I loved Ocean, but then I saw Artemis (in tan, not the blue) and fell in love!!
You are so talented!
I wrote a blog about your giveaway! Hope this earns me another entry...lol
I twittered about the giveaway!
I hearted your etsy shop (added it to my favorites)...so cute btw! I'm Doctoress87. I will definitely be checking out your merch.
I am a follower and would pick the Freya "baby goddess"... after studying up on them all, she's the one for me!
I "favorited" your Etsy site!
Following! And already a favorite on Etsy!!!
Following, and having blog envy! Yours is gorgeous.
I follow You!!! I would love to get the Baby Hestia Goddess
I also posted a blog!
Check it out!
Im now following you. I just found your blog today. Im loving it! And I just love your Gaia Goddess :D
Tweeted :D http://twitter.com/tickleteckla
And tweeted again here.
I follow your blog and I think I'd love Brigid :)
Tweeted today. :)
I follow your blog!
And the baby God I'd like is a Baby Pan God! If not, then a Baby Goddess Demeter!
Tweeted! http://twitter.com/shauna_h_m/status/28819159969
Hearted your shop a long time ago!
What beautiful work! I love Airmid. Her purple & spirals really spoke to me.
Following you & glad I found you.
I love Hera with her beautiful peacock. I've been following you with great pleasure for awhile now. :)
:) Your Etsy's in my faves.
I blogged about this one: http://auldgreymare.blogspot.com/2010/10/samhain-giveaway-from-bringing-up.html
ALready a follower - I love the baby goddesses! I think Brigid for me.
I *heart* your ETSY shop.
I am a follower and I would love to have this wonderful gift! I would take the baby Freya Goddess she is just beautiful!
Love the Baby Freya... I am a new follower!
Ok, I thought I'd figured it out, but guess not. I tweeted at arholtz. geesh now I can't even figure out my profile. Must need more or less coffee???
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