Once upon a time there was this little boy who decided he wanted to draw the Goddess exactly like the ones sweet Kelli sent him by mail weeks before along with the pocket Gaia his mom ordered:

So during dinner, mom started reading all the goddesses' names that were in the book, along with their correspondences, until she reached Demeter, when he asked to stop, because that was the perfect name for his Goddess, since it also had branches on top of her head just like the Harvest Goddess. And on a Thursday, a day dedicated to Demeter, the little boy went to sleep happy for having found what he was looking for, and said he wanted to send his creation to Kelli by email, with the help of his mom (it was done minutes ago, by the way).
Moral: Sometimes little kids have this spontaneous desire of connecting with the Goddess, without being induced (which I hate), and then something very cool may happen, and great conversations may occur, like this little boy's mom had with him in that rainy Thursday's night. ;o)
8 comentários:
Aww, how very cool! It's always better when you make it yourself!
That is such a wonderful story and I love his Goddess! I think they just pick up on these things and then they incorporate it into their life. I agree it's not good to purposely teach them about it really because that seems too close to church Sunday school or something.
This is a perfect example, I think, of how children and parents should interact. It does a lot for the creative mind when the parent shows some enthusiasm for what the child is doing. So many times the parent will say one or two things, or do something and that lives with the children forever. I remember showing my would become brother-in-law how to draw Mickey Mouse (he was 10) and he loved it and the idea that I, a soldier, stopped and showed him how to do that.
He went on to get a degree in art, and then became an art teacher and has been involved in art all of his life. I was 20 then. He was 10. I am 74 or will be and he will be 64.
A boy after my own heart.
She is a wonderful Goddess, strong and spirited with a soft hand of love, I imagine she reminds him alot of his mother!
You did a wonderful thing for him... I'm blessed to know a mother like you!
Aww that's cute!
My birthday was alright, we just went out to dinner and then my dad got me some ice cream. V picked out some flowers for me. That was my favorite all day.
I don't think I got the card. Which email did you sent it to? It probably got thrown in with the spam or something.
I just found this site, and it has all kinds of goddess outlines that you can color in. Thought you and Lucas might want to check them out!
Hey... You've been tagged!!
Hello Nydia and Lucas!
I just checked in here and saw your wonderful illustration, Lucas! I love your Demeter! The leaves in her hair are perfect. Sometimes I like to make a Goddess and name her afterwards, too. :)
Nydia, I didn't get email from you, just so you know. My email is supposed to be all fixed, but I have terrible email karma for some reason, so who knows!!!!
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