Monday, June 30, 2008

One of those days...

Have you ever experienced a day when nothing seems to work at all? Little things that go wrong and make you wonder... Yes, I'm having one of those days.

Early in the morning, already at my working place, when I left the office to throw the garbage away, I forgot the keys into the office! And outside I waited for my boss to arrive - no big deal, she arrived in fifteen minutes or so.

Then before lunch time, Lucas bumped his head on the corner of his bedroom's door, when running into the house from the veranda. A huge bump appeared and he showed the power of his lungs. And as he's got a big ulcer in his tongue since yesterday, eating is really hard and painful, so the lunch was very... educational.

When I returned to the office after my lunch time, I realized I forgot my mobile phone at home... luckly I work five minutes from it, and my poor husband had to bring me the phone.

It's not over! When I went buying some stuff to the office, what happened? I forgot the office's keys in the shop I had left minutes before, so I had to waste precious minutes to go back there and get them back.
It's still 4 pm here, so I'm trying to focus more properly so I don't forget anything else...

I keep wondering... what the gods above are trying to tell me besides "pay more attention, you stupid witch!"?

5 comentários:

Maebius said...

Whew, I'm glad to read it's not just me today. :)

Dragonstar said...

Days like that can be so bad! I hope it improved for you.
Poor Lucas. I suffered so much from ulcers when I was young. So very painful.

Suzie Ridler said...

OK, this kind of gave me chills to read after just posting my post on kicking darkness' ass. This is exactly what I am talking about! I invite you and Lucas to do a cleansing with me tomorrow evening.

Michele said...

Ohhh.... and I complained about my day and ignored those of my friends... HUGS to you my sweet Nydia. I do hope that this new day has been much nicer to you.
Please give Lucas a big hug for me and know that I'm sending a bunch of positive and happy vibes through the computer to your computer so that you will be full of good and healthy spirits.
Luv ya so much....
Hugs hugs hugs hugs....

Turtleheart said...

What a crazy day! Did you ever get a chance to ground and center?